(07) 32218655
Notary Services
We provide a wide range of notarial services. Appointments are necessary so please feel free to either book at the link below or call to arrange a suitable time.
What can a notary do for me?
A Notary can help you by certifying and attesting documents intended for use anywhere in the world.
Services of a notary include:
witnessing signatures for documents to be used overseas,
certifying copies of documents,
certificates verifying registration of companies and their officers,
verifying qualifications and
.Foreign language and translation documents
Powers of Attorney, Proxies and Authorities
Administrative and Intellectual Property documents
Conveyancing, Real property, Personal property, Lease and Mortgage instruments
Company and Corporate, Certificates of Good Standing
Once you have had your documents notarised it may be necessary to take or send them to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for verification and an Apostille by DFAT before the documents are sent overseas.
Most Australian documents to be used here do not need to be signed by a Notary Public and will usually be accepted if signed by a Solicitor which we are also able to help you with.
Where are you?
We are directly across the road from Brisbane City Hall at 79 Adelaide St Brisbane which is right in the heart of town in between the Queen St Mall and King George Square with the city bus station and ample parking at King George Square.
Do I need to book a time or just turn up?
Yes. A booking is required however most days we are usually able to accommodate bookings at relatively short notice. All you need do is telephone us for an appointment or complete the booking request on this page and we will contact you to arrange an appointment.
What do I need?
Ideally your passport and/or your Driver License and any other forms of identification;
if you have one, the letter of instruction from the person(s) requiring you to see a Notary;
the originals of the documents to be certified;
if documents are in a foreign language and a translation is required to be certified, the original translation from a NAATI accredited translator; and
unsigned copies of the documents which are to be witnessed, (if any).