(07) 32218655
Making a Will and Testamentary Capacity
Special Disability Trusts
Appointing a Real Estate Agent
Testamentary Trusts
Interested in buying a residential property at auction? – things you should do before you bid.
New Property Legislative Scheme to Commence on 1 of December 2014
Changes to Off the Plan Contracts
Environmental Protection Act – fixing a disclosure failure
SUPREME COURT Confirms NOT every player in a family provision claim wins a prize.
What Buyers Should Know Before Purchasing from a Deceased Estate
Proposed Changes to BCIPA
Security Interest in Building and Construction Contracts
Deceased Estate Family Provision Claims?
Misrepresentation - A Warning to Agents and Vendors
Asbestos Register – Does Your Commercial Property Require One?
Can Foreigners Purchase Residential Property in Australia?
What do I need to Know When Purchasing a House with a Non-shared Pool?
Which Unit?
Family Provision - Deceased Estates
Crisp orders – deceased estates